Anyone Know Where Migi( Righty ) Went?

Anyone Know Where Migi( Righty ) Went?
Print on self-adhesive foil, UV print on Plexiglas, mirror&dichroic foil, Raspberry Pi and camera
250 x 150 x 350cm
나의 오른손이를 보셨습니까?
시트지 프린트, 아크릴 UV프린트, 미러&디크로익 필름, 라즈베리파이, 카메라
250 x 150 x 350cm

Elevators in Korea consist of a space with a surveillance camera, advertisement video TV and mirrors with printed advertisements. The mirrors are positioned facing each other, creating an infinite reflection. In this confined square space, individuals are monitored and exposed to advertising media. The boundaries between private and public life are blurred by taking selfies while looking at their own reflections in the mirror, sharing them on social networks, and reaching out to unspecified people.
Advertisements create an illusion of an ideal life in capitalism, narratives around wealth, health, and beauty. Standardized life of advertising images propagate, individuals purchase products and photoshop their photos according to the fixed ideal image. Interestingly, in high-end buildings in upscale districts have no elevator advertisements, in contrast elevators in low-end neighborhoods are filled with them. This stark contrast mirrors our online experiences, where we encounter free services supported by ads or purchase for premium services with no ads.
Thanks to smartphones and social media, individuals can easily take the role of actors, celebrities or influencers. Taking a selfie can sometimes boost one’s self-esteem. The people who joined this game, or the people who will be in. I encourage them to strike their desired poses and expressions in my installation by using the name of the art selfie.
Installation view
Cookie & Migi